## Introduction This dataset holds a collection of 3DTiles (https://github.com/CesiumGS/3d-tiles) tile-sets of various boroughs of the Metropolis of Lyon. Those tileset are data derived from Grand Lyon Open data (https://data.grandlyon.com) and were computed by the VCity team of the LIRIS lab (https://projet.liris.cnrs.fr/vcity/) ## License This dataset is published under the ETALAB v2.0 open license (refer to file ETALAB-Licence-Ouverte-v2.0_EN.pdf within this directory). ## Tilesets naming scheme The sub-directories names are of general form _[-]_[TileSet|TileSets] where * designates a location of the Lyon Metropolis e.g. "bron", * indicates a year based vintage e.g. "2009", * [-] is a comment concerning/charaterizing the tileset, and * [TileSet|TileSets] indicates whether the sub-dirctory holds a single tileset (for "TileSet") or a set of sub-directories each holding a tileset (for "TileSets") For example, * `Limonest_2015_TileSet` concerns the Limonest borough for the 2015 vintage and holds a single tileset (as indicated by the trailing `TileSet` string). * `Limonest_Temporal-2009-2012-2015-graph-version_TileSet` also concerns the Limonest borough, the string `Temporal-2009-2012-2015` indicates it is a temporal tileset (an extension of vanilla 3DTiles) for the three vintages 2009, 2012 and 2015, the string `-graph-version` indicates that this tileset features a "graph" (for what it may mean) and holds a single tileset (as indicated by the trailing `TileSet` string). * `Lyon-Villeurbanne-Bron_2015_TileSet` is a singe tileset for vintage 2015 that gathers three boroughs Lyon (full city), Villeurbanne and Bron. * `Lyon1-Lyon2-Lyon5_2015-multi-layers_TileSets` has a trailing `TileSets` (plural) indicating that the directory holds many tilesets (each in its own subdirectory) and the `-multi-layers` optional comment indicates that each sub-directory probably holds a different layer of data